Wednesday 23 November 2011

Gas Grill Smokers For Fish Smoking

!±8± Gas Grill Smokers For Fish Smoking

Preservation of various meats is something that out ancestors did as a matter of course but which modern people have forgotten how to do because of all of the convenience that comes with living in a specialized society. It's not so difficult to relearn these almost lost arts. Ironically, the Internet and other modern technologies like mass production manufacturing has brought specialized devices tailored to the art of smoking within the reach of the everyman. These devices are inexpensive and well worth it since building one can be troublesome if you aren't the handy type. Also, the manufactured devices and backyard grill add ons are much more precise in how they control the temperature and smoke volume.

You can use gas grills smokers, a built in grill with a smoker addition, or gas grills with a built in smoker to make some full-flavored smoked salmon or other smoked fish. It takes time and energy, but the heavenly and nutritive finish are well worth all of the preparation and work.  Smoking like this will elevate cooking on gas grills to new heights.

In this world of processed and chemical filled frankenfood, it would be invigorating to travel back to another time when small native settlements would smoke their eats over a smoldering fire or in a smoke filled smoke house so that it could be preserved to tide them over during winter. This is in our blood. Most cultures through history had some form of smoking as food preservation before modern science and refrigeration were discovered. I won't feud against refrigeration, but substances in food, I believe, can lead to unhealthiness or nutritional scarcity. While food smoking does create some naturally formed substances that you would not want to ingest exclusively or every day, with reasonable frequency it is fine, as is betrayed by the fact that people have been doing it for ages minus any distinguishable chronic or inevitable effect.

Let's smoke some fish.

High quality fish is the best. You can eat fresh salt water fish like salmon and tuna raw. Sushi anyone? If you eat fish raw, it must be just caught. Besides merely fresh, uncooked as described, or barbecuing it, you can also freeze it in order to preserve it for later. Canning is good too but you might have to first learn about safe canning methods. Smoking is yet another method of safeguarding fish. I relish chilled vacuum shut smoked salmon from the supermarket, and I have sometimes enjoyed canned smoked sprats from Latvia, which were very enchanting and tasteful on rye bread.

You want to be shielded from microbes and parasites, so I advocate soaking the fish in a brine (salt) solution first. You can use electric, charcoal, wood, or gas grills smokers for the job.

Buy the fish. Clean them out and cut the heads off. Carve them into fillets and blocks. Leave the skin on. Put the skin side down onto the grates so if they stick you lose the skin and it doesn't matter. If you were to try this with fish steaks the meat would stick to the grates and fall by the wayside. All you would have remaining would be a hodgepodge and a lot of irritation, and wasted fish.

Submerge the fish in a brine solution of sugar, spices, and salt. You can use a preservative but I say that you don't need things that you can't spell. Use your own intelligence.

Prepare the fish with this basic brine solution:

1/2 cup non-iodized (Kosher is adequate) salt
1/2 cup sugar
1 quart water
Stir until salt and sugar are completely dissolved.

Place fish into the solution, being careful to see to it that the fish is completely covered in the brine and place it in the refrigerator.

Fat 1 inch plus lumps should be in brine from 8 to 12 hours.
Thin 1 inch or less lumps should be in from 6 to 8 hours.

Take your fish from the brine and rinse each segment under cool water. Being gentle, pat dry and lay the lumps on some paper towel to air dry for at least one hour. After one hour you should observe that the fish has a kind of glossy surface film, or "pellicle". This is natural. This film serves as a surface for the smoke to stick to during the smoking process. After an hour of drying, the fish should be a bit sticky to the touch, and this means that it is ready for the smoking process.

Woods such as Mesquite, Hickory, and Apple are acceptable. Adler is another acceptable wood. Don't use pine as it is imparts a petroleum like taste and you will get a horrid taste to your food. When using fruit woods, you can also add some pieces of the genuine fruit to the wood for added flavor. You will have to refill the wood holder a few times during the entire smoking process.

In your gas grill's smoker or other type of smoker, place the fish chunks skins down as mentioned earlier and they shouldn't be touching each other. Use big enough portions so that you stretch area. This is so because since you require some room between pieces, smaller but more numerous portions would mean not enough room for all your fish. More substantial pieces spaced apart so they don't touch actually means that you can fit more fish on the cooking grate. See, you are already benefiting from my experience! Here's another recommendation. If you have a multi level grate system in your smoker, you will want to swap the top and bottom grates through the process since the lower ones get increased heat and smoke.

Twelve hours in the smoker will result in a juicy smoked salmon. Twenty four hours will result in a salmon jerky, which is a magnificent jerky but hard to get any bones out if you come across any. It's actually useful to try to yank out as many bones as you can when you start, but there can sometimes be some little spiny ones inside the meat that you fail to see. Do your best is all I can inform you to do. I used pliers to pull the visibly bulging bones from the raw fish. Remove gently, firmly, and straight out. For the twelve hour moist version of smoked salmon, any lingering bones are effortlessly dealt with in the course of the eating phase. For the twenty four hour jerky version, it is best to just separate the meat while it is still flexible straight from the smoker. You can utilize it in sauces and gravy but not in soups. Some people use the remaining skin and bones as a feline food. Your results may vary.

While the salmon is cooling on the grates after the smoking is concluded, you can add additional spices like garlic and black pepper, or hot pepper like cayenne if that is your preference. The oily white stuff is salmon oil, which is basically Omega 3 fatty acids and is very nutritive for you. That stuff helps to clear out your arteries and it also soaks up spices very well. I tell you that because most people would think that it was "yucky" when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Storage is a snap if you have a vacuum sealing machine. I mean the type of device that attaches to a plastic bag which holds the salmon, and it sucks out the air and heat seals the bag once the air is no longer present. No air means that the food won't go off as quickly. You should still have it refrigerated, however. Freezing will not damage it, but the texture can be affected.

Since the complete process can take the better part of two days, you want to work with batches of at least 6 pounds - larger batches - to make it useful and cost effective. Non vacuum sealed but plastic bagged smoked and refrigerated fish can go for about a month, while the vacuum sealed fish can last for a few months or longer.

I could have put this in the beginning, but a bit of advice about wild caught vs. farmed salmon. Now I have come to the realization that any salmon or fish farmer reading this may not care for it, but farmed fish is abundant with fake foods and antibiotics, if not hormones. You don't want that. The majority of of the time they get the salmon flesh orangey pink by adding dye to the feed recipe. In the wild, salmon flesh is off white if they eat fish like herring, and the pink color actually comes from them consuming krill and shrimp. The color of wild salmon is a pale pink color, not orange. Also, the fatty acid profile of the fish is TOTALLY different when you compare the two. The counterfeit and processed fish feed cannot compare to the stuff that the wild fish consume, and their fats are full of health-giving Omega 3 fats like DHA and EPA. As a matter of fact, farmed fish are the opposite, usually full of hazardous pro inflammatory Omega 6 fats. This is why I will not eat Tilapia. It is more affordable, but it is also farmed and full of Omega 6 fats, which will intensify inflammatory conditions like arthritis and artery disease. You don't want that because the inexpensive price is NOT worth it. Get crazy. If your fish guy disagrees, then find another fish monger because he/she is full of something stinky, and I don't mean spoiled fish.

There you have it. I feel confident that this knowledge on how to prepare smoked salmon is desired and encourages you to be a bit assured, or possibly go fetch the equipment that you may require to do this.

Please take action now that you have some knowledge to get started. All of the reading and research in the world won't accomplish anything unless you put it into action.

Gas Grill Smokers For Fish Smoking

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Sunday 30 October 2011

Use BBQ Wood Chips to Intensify Your Grilling

!±8± Use BBQ Wood Chips to Intensify Your Grilling

Take a tip from the experts: use BBQ wood chips to spice up your grilling. Connoisseurs know that good barbeque takes a lot more than just slapping some meat on a grill. Renowned experts in the field such as Bobby Flay, Dave Foley, Butch Lupinetti and many others swear by BBQ wood chips. With the summer grilling season upon us, here are some tips on how to introduce BBQ wood chips into your grilling and start cooking like the pros.

Wood chips are used in your grill in addition to charcoal or gas. They may be sprinkled atop coals or placed within a small smoker box in a gas or electric grill, and the smoke they create lends a distinctive aroma and appealing taste to all of your grilled meats.

Whether you use a charcoal, gas or electric grill, wood chips will give you authentic barbecue flavor. You can also buy a special smoker box to place in your gas or charcoal grill so that you can get that "wood smoke" flavor. Read the instructions for your particular grill before you try doing this.

Make sure that your wood chips do not end up burning like a campfire; the resulting heavy smoke will spoil your food with an acrid taste. Expert grillers advise that wood chips be soaked briefly prior to use, about fifteen minutes or so, and then allowed to drip dry for just a few minutes more. Ideally, your wood chips will be damp but not saturated.

If you're using a smoker in your grill, it's probably not necessary to soak the wood chips before you use them. Soaking wood chips will let them burn longer, but if you're cooking a steak, you probably don't want a long, slow grilling.

Wood chips are available in a large range of varieties that cater to all tastes; your local vendor should be able to advise you on pairing a wood chip with a particular meat.

In general, if your meat is lighter, you'll need a milder wood chip flavor. You can also try "heavier" flavors with lighter meats, though, such as using mesquite with chicken. If you're going to do this, try using a few wood chips instead of a lot to see what this does to your flavor.

With its more delicate aroma, alder wood chips best accompany lighter meats like fish and poultry. The flavorful fruitwoods, including apple, cherry, peach and plum, go best with veal, poultry and pork, and they also lend an interesting taste to grilled vegetables.

Mesquite BBQ wood chips, perhaps the most famous variety, go best with heavier meats like beef, lamb and duck. Also extremely popular, the resonant aroma of hickory goes best with beef and pork.

Just remember that BBQ wood chips are a flavor enhancer and not the meal itself, so don't skimp on your meats! Make sure you have a good cut that is fresh and well prepared. Otherwise, your fancy wood chips will just be going to waste on an inferior piece of meat that no amount of grilling expertise can retrieve.

Using BBQ wood chips takes us back to that glorious time when all good cooking was done on an open wood fire. Don't settle for just a plain old grilled steak or bland chicken breast cooked on bare coals. Cook like a pro and enjoy the vibrant aromas and flavors that come from cooking with BBQ wood chips.

Use BBQ Wood Chips to Intensify Your Grilling

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Friday 14 October 2011

Must-Haves For the Outdoor Enthusiast

!±8± Must-Haves For the Outdoor Enthusiast

Hunters, campers and outdoor enthusiasts appreciate equipment and tools that enable them to enjoy nature more to help. Whether it's fishing, hunting or hiking, the following devices make gift ideas that your outdoor enthusiast happy to use the next trip.

A cast iron roaster pot is ideal for preparing wild game and a pot meals. For example, the Cabela Oval Cast Iron Roaster & fast and even cooking plate and the lid also serves asa plate cost. Although it can be used indoors, the best results are made for outdoor cooking.

No hunter or fisherman should be without thread knife. How boning knife, very flexible, is the knife fish fillet and prepare thread used. They have a blade of about 6-11 cm in length, which move easily along the backbone and under the skin of the fish does. The MAC Sole Fillet knife has designed a very thin and flexible blade for filleting sole or other delicateflat fish.

And while you're considering a fillet knife, why not consider a knife block set for the serious hunter or fisherman. Professional quality-made knives feature paring, serrated utility, carving, and a cook's knife - all contained in a knife block for easy and safe storage. Shop for high carbon stainless steel blades and poly handles with a no-slip grip for years of use.

A truly practical gift for the hunter, electric grinders come in a variety of sizes to meet various grinding needs. Choose one, like Cabela's Commercial Grade Electric Grinders, that offer stainless steel necks, bases, plates, screws and blades, and also are certified for home or commercial use.

Nothing is more delicious than chicken prepared on a roaster, otherwise known as "beer butt chicken roasters." These roasters come in either double or single size in stainless steel. Although these kinds of roasters were developed to roast the poultry using a beer can, other liquids such as juice or soda drinks can be used. The liquid provides steaming inside the chicken, which produces juicy, tender chicken that falls off the bone. These types of roasters require an outdoor grill with a high lid design to accommodate the chicken roasters.

Functional and convenient for the hunting camp, a slow cooker is ideal for the hunter who can prepare meat or stew ingredients with seasonings, and then heat out to hunt and return later to a warm, filling meal that's ready to enjoy. Eastman is a 3.5-liter slow cooker with Realtree Hardwood Camo design.

Shooting is a staple food for many hunters, and can of beef, venison, elk, turkey and more are produced. To prepare jerky, the meat selection is thinly sliced, or pressed thin, and begins to avoid drying at low temperature, cooking or over-drying the meat. Layered trays allow hunters shooting at a large stack of process shots. Enter for trays with an easy-to-clean tray that catches drippings.

For the outdoorenthusiasts who need their morning java, a drip coffee maker designed to fit on a two- or three-burner gas stove, like the Coleman Drip Camp Coffee Maker, can be easily used on a camp or RV gas stove. The Coleman coffee maker also offers pause, serve, and easy pour features.

Once the hunter heads out, he or she can keep their coffee hot with vacuum bottles. The Cabela Camo Bullet Vacuum Bottle are made of stainless steel and are double-walled to keep beverages hot or cold and are extra tough for rugged conditions. The insulated lid doubles as a cup. The bottles come in various sizes.

Any outdoorsman knows that animal-proofing a campsite is important for both humans and animals. A chuck box is a convenient accessory to keep staples and cooking tools contained in a locked container. Cabela's Chuck Box comes with utility hooks, shelf space, paper towel holder, carrying handles, and even a silverware tray. The formica top doubles as a work surface.

Must-Haves For the Outdoor Enthusiast

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Sunday 2 October 2011

O-Grill 3000 Portable Gas Barbecue Grill, Orange

!±8± O-Grill 3000 Portable Gas Barbecue Grill, Orange

Brand : O-Grill | Rate : | Price : $174.99
Post Date : Oct 02, 2011 19:00:16 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

New from O-Grill is the first efficient lightweight portable propane grill. O-Grill 3000 is the first truly portable grill at a weight of 24 lbs with features that rival larger, heavier, and more costly models. The grill's 225 sq. inch grilling surface, 9450 BTU stainless steel burner, and colorful clam shell design with retractable legs set it apart from other "portable" grills. Great for: Camping - Tailgating - RVs - Picnics - Beach Parties - Apartment decks / balconies - Extra grill for backyard parties Portable LP Gas Grill that uses standard propane gas cylinders and features a clam shell design, retractable legs, and a handle for easy transportation. The grill includes a storage case with optional detachable light with a durable PL lamp and is ANSI Z21.89 a-2006 / CSA 1.18a-2006 test approved. Dimensions: 20.5"x8.5"x23" (525x215x580 mm) Run Time 4 hours (14.1 oz cylinder)

More Specification..!!

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Thursday 22 September 2011

Four Top Rated Portable Barbecue Grills

!±8± Four Top Rated Portable Barbecue Grills

One of the advantages of a portable grill is that you take camping or tailgating. This portability, you can print from any place that you can carry your cook grid. Some of the higher grids are discussed below along with a brief summary of benefits. Both grills propane and charcoal grills are included.

The first is the Weber Q220. This is the ideal portable barbecue. And 'mid-way between the small and Weber Q120 Weber Q320 both in terms of sizeand costs. The Weber Grill Q220 has a large area of ​​280 square cm, with little space for grilling burgers or fifteen a couple of juicy steaks, New York. It has a weight of 36 pounds and is designed to be easily moved. In terms of how much you pay, it is mid-range, usually selling in the range of $ 200. This piece has a temperature sensor, and is a simple ignition key.

Coleman Road Trip Grill Another is the grid. This gridWeber BBQ is comparable to the above, and must also be integrated in elaborate folding legs. Coleman also produces more power because of its powerful 10,000 BTU burners double. The Coleman has a real grill with an open flame and the burner is covered to prevent eruptions. Although it has a stand attached, this grill folds surprisingly easy. It may have 285 square inches of cooking space for cooking so again for an entire party. The Coleman alsohas tables with electronic ignition button. If you want a car for mobility, this is a good choice. The surface itself is modular grid Coleman.

A third option is the portable propane grill Blue Rhino GBT1030. The most obvious difference is that the Rhino is very small and light. It is designed to bend easily and has a top locking that need to move safely. It weighs only 14 pounds, it is very easy to breed, but the trade-off is, you just cookfor a couple of people at a time. Has 120 square inches of surface area, which receives about four burgers, plus a bit 'of vegetables. There are a couple of powerful burners. They are controlled by two different buttons, so you need to cook only the desired area. One of the areas covered by a grill for cooking foods like eggs and bacon, while the other half is a normal surface grid. The grid can be removed to expand the area for barbecues. One thing to note aboutRhino is the grid that the initial assembly, which can take up to 2 hours.

Our grill is the latest Weber Go Anywhere. If you grill with charcoal, as the Go-Anywhere Weber is spoiled for choice. This grid is very cheap, usually retails for about half an invoice. Besides the use of coal, a major attraction on the Go Anywhere Grill is that it is extremely lightweight - weighs less than 20 pounds. It has 160 square inches of cooking space, so that on the smaller side. There areample space for six people to cook. Even if a grid had to be traveling, the Go-Anywhere can still be used as a barbecue at home. Like all products of this company, cooks evenly and does not flare up. It can be a lot of abuse - some people are still with them Weber Go-Anywhere five years after purchase. The grid itself is also available in a model gas, Weber 1520, for an additional ten dollars.

Four Top Rated Portable Barbecue Grills

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Sunday 18 September 2011

Coleman 9949-750 Road Trip Grill LXE

!±8±Coleman 9949-750 Road Trip Grill LXE

Brand : Coleman
Rate :
Price : $149.26
Post Date : Sep 19, 2011 01:43:17
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Coleman Roadtrip LXE Grill sets up and tears down in seconds! It's the perfect camping trip grill when you want to cook for a crew! Has a fold-up stand with wheels that collapses down to a convenient pack-away size: Fully-adjustable cooking power up to 10,000 BTU on each burner; PerfectFlow control system provides pressure regulation for consistent output throughout the life of your 1-lb. or 20-lb. propane cylinder (with proper accessories); InstaStart electronic ignition offers matchless lighting; Durable vitreous lid and painted steel case with a porcelain-coated cast iron cooking surface inside; Tool holders and side tables built in for easy use; Removable grease management tray; Versatile mix & match surfaces... has grill, griddle and stove capability; Limited 5-year warranty; Measures 46 x 18 x 35". Order yours today! Coleman Roadtrip LXE Grill

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Saturday 17 September 2011

The history of ballet Beautiful

!±8± The history of ballet Beautiful

Ballet, like everything, has a past, a story that made more colorful and rich in ancient times to the present day. Ballet is an art because each person is trained to move the body in an unnatural way to tell a story.

Ballet is a dance form born in Italy, on the basis of steps interesting and graceful movements and poses, as well as jumps and spins. For the dancers, have access to open an international competition of ballet, the door of fame and glory, because theJurors who are generally well known in the field and help rendered will be more successful in the industry.

The effortless movements are the result of dedication and determination that can only come from a dancer, who really wants to come and live and breathe ballet. Ballet is an academic dance form and technique with different methods and styles, but basically the same principles and movements that have made him one of the most beautiful and graceful dances of theWorld.

In addition to being one of the oldest ballet is also a form of art known difficult because the dancer has to pass rigorous physical training, mental and emotional. How many people enjoy ballet, it should be noted, saying that arts is one of the most difficult, disciplined, and end.

Over the years there have been several methods of ballet training and has been a series of regional variations, but the basic technology and languageBallet is the same all over the world. Ballet is a dance form developed in the courts of the Renaissance in Italy and France at the time of Catherine de 'Medici brought back into the Middle Ages. Regardless of the quality or substance of any presentation Ballet Ballet is here to stay.

The history of ballet Beautiful

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